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A Ballad Of Her

       'A Ballad of Her' Exactly 506 words to describe a soul of 'her'.  Very simple words for the ones who actually wish to understand. Lost was the childhood, Unknown to the monsters , Unknown to the touch, Unknown to the adult content, Just her and her playful silly head.  She can't say that anymore, For she, once in life,  suffered something unknown ...  She felt it was wrong , But her playful mind  played the game of innocent soul.  She grew up to be  a beautiful teen, No matter whether  her shape, height,  place, religion,  age, race, or  even her mental state, Just her being a girl  with the female features  were enough to compensate.  She was made aware of  the dark truth, behind a mystery gift ,  behind the smile, oh so shiny trap , behind the casual touches , behind those luring, tagged as friends.  Suddenly,  she started doubting  every little aspect, Even if she's in the  four walls of home , she slept.  She started doubting  every other soul and 

Gazainia 💛🌼

 The yellow beauty: 

Moon: An Enchanting Beauty

 Moon: Depictin' the only light in darkness Even stars fade away in the city madness, Enhancin' solance of evenin' Silent conversation of two souls deepenin', A connection for the ones far away A gesture of worship even if craters' stay. ~ Himzy World

Beautiful Serene Sunset

 Here, have a look on the beautiful serene sunset only on Himzy World. :))

Beautiful Cresent Moon Captured


Sunset 🌇


Beautiful Night-flowering Jasmine (Haar Shringar)


Beautiful Scenic Moon Glimpse


Rajasthan's Grace: Camel

Known for surviving without water for days and days in the extreme heat of the deserts.  Known for their thick skin and storage hump. Known for their padded feet for thick desert sand. Camelus dromedarius

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