
Showing posts from March, 2022

Health Tips :Benefits of Drinking Water

  How much water do you drink in a day? Water is an essential part of meal that must be consumed enough in a day. It's a savour and thus, plays a vital role to keep us in the pink of health. Benefits of Drinking Water in the Summer:   1. aids digestion. 2. boosts metabolism.  3. carries nutrients and oxygen to your cells. 4. enhances concentration power. 5. flushes out toxins. 6. Forms saliva. 7. helps you stay hydrated. 8. lubricates your joints.  9. maintains the body  temperature.  10. prevents constipation.  11. radiates skin. 12. reduces weight. 13. relieves fatigue.  14. stabilizes heart beat. 15. supports hair growth from root to tip. Above all, it rejuvenates you. What can be done? Relax , sit down and have a full glass of water. Prefer drinking room temperature water. Consume at least 3 - 4 litres of water in a day.  Intermittent  water intake is more healthful. In case, you miss, forget or ignore, just set a reminder.  You can try detox water to detoxify your organs. # St

Live a stress-free life

 Live a stress-free life Here are some tips:

Health Tips : Benefits of Cycling

Health Tips : Benefits of Cycling  Cycling is not only a source of joy but heartful also. It requires minimum parking space and zero fuel. It has whopping health benefits. Get to know them and apply in your life to stay fit and fine. Some of them are mentioned below: 1. Boosts your immune system.  2. Decreases body fat. 3. Enables you to ride longer.  4. Great way to lose weight.  5. Helps you become environment friendly.  6. Improves mental as well as physical health well- being. 7. Makes you optimistic and delightful.  8. Prevents illness and diseases. 9. Reduces stress level. 10. Strengthens cardiovascular as well as muscular power. #Follow traffic rules. Have a healthy life!

Benefits of Making Buddy Group

                Buddy Group :   A group is formed in a class where a student is grouped with other students. All of them can have the same qualities or a few of them can have higher ones. They work together for a common cause. Minimum four students should be there in a group.  Benefits of Making Buddy Group : 1. Team work: Buddy Groups promote teamwork.  A sense of belonging binds them together. The group works for the same cause and thus, completes their work/ project.  2. Learn new skills:  Every child is unique. When the buddies sit together, they learn something new from one another. One child may be good at understanding concepts faster; the other may be able to apply them correctly.  3. Helpful Attitude: When children work together as a team, they help one another and try to solve their buddy's problems.  4. Promotes Friendship: The team celebrates victory together. Their joys and sorrows bring them closer to loyalty. 5 . Focus on good qualities: When children work in a buddy

Health Tips : How to Lose Weight? | 15 wonderful tips

  Health Tips : How to Lose Weight or Fat Quickly? Here are 15 wonderful tips that will definitely help you reduce weight in just 15 days.  1. Avoid sweets and sugary food. 2. Adopt a healthy lifestyle.  3. Drink plenty of water. 4. Develop the habit of early sleeping and waking. 5. Eat a lot of fiber.  6. Get enough sleep. 7. Go for walk, jogging, yoga , zumba or aerobics. 8. Increase the intake of green vegetables and fruits. 9. Lay off fatty food. 10. Let go of stress. 11. Prefer cycling or walking to driving or biking.  12. Reduce intake of fizzy drinks. 13. Start taking detox water.  14. Stretch out yourself in between works. 15. Try intermittent fasting. Make a plan, and keep its record.  #Be healthy, make others healthy.  #Stay healthy, stay happy.

Guess what?- Playing Cards Activity

  Guess what ?- Playing Cards Activity  Pictures of birds and/ or fruits have been taken.  Their names are written on the reverse side. Enjoy making this activity.  #Be creative and innovative. 

Guess what?/ Kachnar

Nature is both beautiful and bountiful. We are surrounded by so many beautiful flowers. Let's know the names . ✍ Guess the name of this flower :  This is an image of _________. a) Butterfly ash b) Rose c) Sun flower d) Tulip    πŸ’  Check Your Answer:  This is  Butterfly ash.Its another name is 🐫 camel's foot too. πŸ’πŸ’What do you call it in your regional language? πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’ We call it kachnar in Punjab.  Isn't it interesting to know the names of flowers around you?